But Turians fetuses don’t use umbilical cords.
End of story.Salarian: I don't understand. How Do Living Things Reproduce? Can Turians eat human food? turians are a dextro-protein species, meaning that food for levo-protein species like asari or humans can cause dangerous allergic reactions and vice versa. The Geth don't get tired, they don't need food, they can reproduce without major logistical concerns, and when they die they upload back to servers and relay information to the collective. In the one hundred years between today and the Mass Effect universe, humanity hasn't changed much. Two species that are close can have children but are those children sterile? (How else would Turians mate without shredding up their insides?) Physically, humans are most comparable to turians, being slightly more physically fit than salarians (though slightly out classed in speed), but slightly less than asari.All cases of biotics in humans are the result of pre-natal exposure to element zero, which carries a high risk of …
Their reproduction is unique in that it can be done with any race and any gender, including other Asari.
In 2165, David Anderson claimed that turians reminded him of the evolutionary link … Many organisms can reproduce sexually as well as asexually.
The Turians are always mere seconds away from full mobilisation of their … They consume proteins and other basic food groups. In fact, if you read fanfiction, you’ll find that this is a concept that has been tried and repeated more times than you can fathom. From: BladerNyte | #003 to be fair, liara isnt really a female, so that doesnt count =P her race changes their view depending on what race is looking at it (remember the bachalor party in me2 with the human, turian and salarian watching an asari dance for them?) How long do humans live in Mass Effect?
This implies asari actually do have a navel, and they reproduce exactly like humans, aside from the psychic DNA altering. Answer (1 of 10): Because the urge to reproduce is NOT set biologically? Turians come from an autocratic society that values discipline and possesses a strong sense of personal and collective honor. There is lingering animosity between turians and humans over the First Contact War of 2157, which is known as the 'Relay 314 Incident' to the turians. The Mass Effect remastered trilogy arrives in Spring 2021.Until then, many fans are revisiting the lore of Mass Effect and other alien or space games, as well. No. There is lingering animosity between turians and humans over the First Contact War of 2157, which is known as the 'Relay 314 Incident' to the turians. It's also super easy just to say "They just look like blue humans and everybody likes tits in space." There is lingering animosity between turians and humans over the First Contact War of 2157, which is known as the 'Relay 314 Incident' to the turians.
Because biology varies? A typical asari has a blue to purple complexion, though a teal complexion is possible albeit seemingly rare. Well a male turian and female human can't reproduce together this is confirmed in me2 from mordin if you romance garus and in 3 if you romance garus he says at the end something about having kids and Shepard says something like that'll kill me you know. But I do know that both the salarian and turian saw the same thing as the human.
The Mass Effect Trilogy introduced players to a wide range of alien races, and each player can easily pick which race is their favorite to interact with.
No. Suvi eats the angara fruit so I believe they are more like humans than turians. The saltwater crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) is a crocodilian native to saltwater habitats and brackish wetlands from India's east coast across Southeast Asia and the Sundaic region to northern Australia and Micronesia.It has been listed as Least Concern on the IUCN Red List since 1996.
The lithe human frame with the rich strawberry blonde hair was hard to miss and standing over it Miranda Lawson stared at Commander Shepard's vitals. Turians come from an autocratic society that values discipline and possesses a strong sense of personal and collective honor.
A horse can breed with a donkey but the offspring, mule, is sterile. A living thing is capable of reproducing. Agatha is unique however as she can for some reason give some of her first generation Clanks the Spark. I personally think they lay eggs. So lets say ROB in the Mass Effect universe decide to make it so that humans are able to interbred with majority of the races of the citadel races, including Quarians (even though they're no longer citadel races), Turians, Salarians … Meaning you can romance Liara and Tali at the same time with no problem. Just stick the wing dang doodle in the hoo hah.
This capability has led to unseemly and inaccurate rumors about asari promiscuity. The Mass Effect media franchise, developed by BioWare and published by Electronic Arts, is set in the distant future where various extraterrestrial species coexist with humanity.The developers created extensive background lore for the universe of Mass Effect and its alien species, with detailed explanations documenting the complex relationships between the universe's various … They're not genetically related in the slightest, so no, it's not possible. Which would mean that they do, in fact, have a vagina. They recruit them to fight the Krogan. But humans are advised not to go outside without their suits while on Palaven. Unlike most sapient species in the Milky Way. Can we reproduce together? After all, they are the main military arm of the Citadel council, the Asari are the Diplomatic corps of the council, with the Salarians being the scientific arm. Onyx Oblivion. Humans first came to the attention of the galactic community after a brief but intense conflict with the turians, known by humans as the First Contact War, begun in 2157. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypothetical_types_of_biochemistry Basically, Quarian (and Turian) biology is based on dextro-amino acids, while human (and everyone else) is based on levo-amino acids, which are mirror images of each other. My guess is that female Vorcha and Volus have no need to leave the homeworld because they are probably only needed for reproduction. It doesn't have to make sense.
I actually don't know if they have said. ... as well as real-life anecdotes from actual human-turian couples detailing how some of the challenges can be overcome and a truly happy union achieved. Bacteria usually reproduce by a simple form …
Actually the military asholes are the humans. Humans share no genetic history with Quarians or Turians, or even Asari and Drell, so they can’t reproduce. This would make the Batarians less advanced than the Turians who also have the largest galactic army in citadel space. Asari reproduction reminds me of viruses.
Can humans and Asari reproduce? Asari resemble humans in terms of basic skeletal structure with five digits on each hand and feet that are relatively straight (certainly in comparison to species like quarians and turians).This similarity allows asari to wear human armor. The guy is probably assuming that since both Quarians and Turians share dextro-ameno biology they can reproduce together, but that's not the case. Because of … Turian features are avian, making them resemble humanoid birds or raptors, however unlike most Earth avian creatures, turians are viviparous and give birth to live young.
Well the Pingas is an organ rather than a muscle, so chances are it wouldn't have the same "protection" as the rest of the body. They look pretty avian, and female Turians have a very similar body structure to the males, so it … Even the most universal expression of romantic feelings among humans—a simple kiss—may seem like a completely new challenge. Thus, they're not compatible, hence why Turians can get sick or die from ingesting human food, vice versa, etc. A horse can breed with a donkey but the offspring, mule, is sterile.
Made from frog cells, these computer-designed organisms gather single cells … Answer (1 of 3): There are so many ways such a scenario could be interpreted. Like humans, Turians are viviparous in that they don’t lay eggs. To humans at least, asari appear female with feminine physical characteristics and voices.
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