I spend every day trying make him proud; I'm trying to walk like him. They were together in ME1. Can you romance Thane in ME3? Now, Mass Eff. The game doesn't consider Thane to be a locked-in romance option, so it does seem possible to lock in a relationship with someone else after the fact - although your only real options . Can you romance Allers and Kelly in one playthrough? Garrus Vakarian is only available for Female Shepards, who can begin to court him after you've completed his Loyalty Mission, Garrus: An Eye For an Eye. Can you romance someone after Thane dies? User Info: Jggregory99. Settings Welcome, Bing [Bot] Change Avatar. If she dies: If Samara died in the Suicide Mission or because you chose to help Morinth instead, she will not appear in any form in Mass Effect 3. A common criticism of Thane's romance is that it diminishes his backstory with his wife, but his whole backstory with his wife is what makes me love his romance so much. ×. Only if you committed to Thane during Mass Effect 2. Once you complete it, you can begin courting him, which happens in three conversation stages. . You can romance all three without having to land anywhere. after Thane dies . "Hither came Conan, the Cimmerian, black-haired, sullen-eyed, sword in hand, a thief, a reaver, a slayer." In my own play through, both Kaidan and Liara pushed for romance with a Thane-romanced Shep after Thane dies. I don't think he deserves or can expect that after . From the article: I knew it was coming, and I handled the scene pretty well, until the prayer at the end. If you Romance either Jacob, Garrus or Thane in Mass Effect 2, then in a scene early into Mass Effect 3 Kaidan will confront you about it and you have to make your choice. If the average score is exactly 0.0 then everybody dies. Logout. (Really, the choices for Femshep weren't that great in ME2.) Players may also notice completing Thane's romance in Mass Effect 3, unlike the others, will not unlock in the Paramour Achievement. mass-effect-3. What You Need to Know About Dating After Death "After Sarah died, I had friends ask me if I was ready to start dating every week or so. 1 Point: Jack, Kasumi, Tali, Mordin. . In Mass Effect 1, I got dirty with Liara. If any squad member is not Loyal, their point value is reduced by 1. If you Romance either Jacob, Garrus or Thane in Mass Effect 2, then in a scene early into Mass Effect 3 Kaidan will confront you about it and you have to make your choice. If you're at that stage, and you've completed the suicide mission, break up with your current romance, then go talk to another. I romanced Tali and locked it in in ME3, but she dies on Rannoch, so can I romance someone else in the game? See? In Mass Effect 1, I got dirty with Liara. Bioware Games. You can continue romancing Thane in ME3 until he dies nobly, while being nice to Kaidan. Kaidan in 1, Thane in 2, Kaidan in 3 after Thane eats it. If your love interest dies can you replace them. Then, in the Apollo cafe, he'll admit he still loves you and you can reciprocate. The only two I've been able to dual romance are Liara and Thane. After I started dating, I had other friends ask me if I was sure if I . 2 Points: Thane, Legion, Jacob, Miranda, Samara / Morinth. Change Password. (Really, the choices for Femshep weren't that great in ME2.) There is no way to save Thane in ME3, his death is part of a scripted event to help show the emotional impact that on Sheppard. Are you able to fully complete Thane's romance, and then also lock in a romance with Kaiden? Can you romance someone after Thane dies? The Mass Effect Legendary Edition comprises the Shepard trilogy and over 40 DLC packs that have been remastered for modern audiences, as well as bringing quality of life improvements to the games. 3.) Mass Effect. If you did that, you'll know why this relationship is so complicated: by Mass Effect 3, he . You have no notifications. This romance can only be continued if you romanced Thane in Mass Effect 2 and he survived the . 34.9k 140 140 gold badges 279 279 silver badges 450 450 bronze badges. Each game offers a range of characters that you can romance depending on the gender of your Commander Shepard, and there are three romance-related achievements/trophies for you to earn. Male Shepard has several more options than Female Shepard. voteDC . 5m. . . What is worse than the lack of choice after the above mentioned pieces of hope others mentioned, is that he is treated as not even being a romance. Garrus. . Most notably, Male Shepard can continue all of his romantic options from ME 2, whereas, Femsheps that romanced Thane or Jacob, will find that their paramour is dying or has found someone else respectively. If the average score is less than 0.5 then 3 squadmates die. Here's all you need to do: 1.) 2.) In Mass Effect 2, for lack of any better options, I bumped uglies with Thane. The only two I've been able to dual romance are Liara and Thane. "Hither came Conan, the Cimmerian, black-haired, sullen-eyed, sword in hand, a thief, a reaver, a slayer." In my own play through, both Kaidan and Liara pushed for romance with a Thane-romanced Shep after Thane dies. During the romance lock-in . Tell her you want to be with her a couple of times til she says she has . Thane . All these feelings are normal. Improve this question. In Mass Effect 2, for lack of any better options, I bumped uglies with Thane. You're never stuck with the same person. Can you romance more than one person in Mass Effect 3? The only way you can romance Kaidan after Thane in ME3 is if you break up with Thane at the hospital. It could have been more. Most notably, Male Shepard can continue all of his romantic options from ME 2, whereas, Femsheps that romanced Thane or Jacob, will find that their paramour is dying or has found someone else respectively. Samara's name will appear on the Normandy's memorial wall. You see, someone who is terminally ill in the way Thane was knows that they are going to die, especially late in the stages of it. If you flirt with her, she will come up later for a little "Quality time" but that is the end of it.
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