VSE Students. Grade of B or better in MATH 113 OR MATH 114 OR MATH 125. We are experiencing rapid growth in both our faculty recruitment and student enrollments. Almost any multi-core i5 or i7 computer manufactured in the last year and with a current operating system (Windows 10 or latest OS X release) should meet most students' needs. Admission to George Mason is competitive. The Computer Science discipline is concerned with the design, analysis, implementation, maintenance, and evolution of computer-based systems, and their associated theoretical foundations. Computer Science, BS. VSE Students. Minimum. How to Apply. Please see the University Catalog for complete program requirements and policies, and discuss all program plans with an academic advisor. Minimum. Application for undergraduate admission can be made online at the GMU web site http . May be repeated within the degree for a maximum 6 credits. Competitive applicants present: "The computer science program at Mason is great, it's a diverse campus, and the weather (in Northern Virginia) is nice," she says. The CS PhD section of the GMU Catalog is the official source for the degree requirements of the program. Your catalog will also specify any additional graduation requirements, such as total credit hours required, GPA and residency requirements, among others. In addition to core and elective computer science courses, the BS in Computer Science program also requires 12 credits of natural science and 20 credits in mathematics and statistics, including calculus, discrete mathematics, linear algebra, and applied probability theory. Major Requirements (92 credits) Sample Schedule; Can I take courses elsewhere while I am a student at GMU? The VCCS/GMU Transfer Guide covers all undergraduate course equivalencies. Entry Requirements The Mason Core provides a breadth of liberal education courses, complementing the depth of knowledge and skills they build in their majors and minors. Highly-qualified students in the Computer Science, BS can complete both a BS-CS and an Information Systems, MS in five years through the BS-MS accelerated (BAM) program. If you are buying a new computer, please buy one with the specifications listed in the table below. Recommended. To apply, go to the GMU Graduate Admissions web site. Although all software needed is provided in computer labs on campus, it is often more convenient for students to work on their own computers and not schedule work when labs are open and/or . The Department of Computer Science offers a CS Honors Program for students with strong computational foundations and the drive to delve deeper into computing. Department of Computer Science George Mason University 4300 Nguyen Engineering Building, MS 485 4400 University Drive Fairfax, VA 22030 College Requirement (s) n/a. Contact Info. Nguyen Engineering Building, 4300 4400 University Drive, MS 4A5 Fairfax, VA 22030. Degree Requirements for the BS in Computer Science. Certain courses may fulfill multiple requirements across the Mason Core general education program, the college or school, and/or the specific program. The Computer Science graduate program prepares students for research and professional practice in computer science and related technologies. Honors College Curriculum (Catalog Year 2019-20 and Later) Starting in their first semesters on campus, Honors College students are challenged to identify, articulate, and evaluate multiple perspectives on questions of cultural, scientific, or global significance and to consider evidence that broadens their understanding and challenges their beliefs. The CS PhD section of the GMU Catalog is the official source for the degree requirements of the program. Please see the University Catalog for complete program requirements and policies, and discuss all program plans with an academic advisor. Recommended Computer Specifications for General Use All students should consider the purchase of their own laptop computer to aid them in their coursework. It is my pleasure to welcome you to this newsletter about the Department of Computer Science at George Mason University. To apply, go to the GMU Graduate Admissions web site. As you make your way through the newsletter, you'll see that we have a lot to be proud of and many exciting things going on. The curriculum is developed with guidance from leading area employers who provide their strategic input to the program and its courses. College Requirement (s) n/a. GPA of at least 2.75 in Computer Science and Math courses completed at Mason that are required for the major. Admission to the Computer Science major is contingent upon the completion of two foundational courses in computer science and math before applying to Mason. The general doctoral requirements of the University apply to this program. An offer of admission is valid only for the semester for which the student applied. Students must also have successfully completed CS 310 Data Structures and CS 330 Formal Methods and Models. For the BS CS degree, students must complete 120 credits, including the Mason Core requirements. Applicants must present the equivalent of one of the following CS courses and one of the MATH courses with a grade of A or B in each course. Admission to the PhD program is competitive and satisfying the minimum requirements listed above does not guarantee admission. Applied Computer Science. Phone: 703-993-1530. csinfo.gmu.edu The program includes both fundamentals and advanced work in the areas of artificial intelligence and databases, programming languages and software engineering, systems and networks, theoretical computer science, and visual computing. All undergraduates seeking a baccalaureate degree must complete Mason Core requirements. Major Requirements (92 credits) Accelerated Option Requirements Expand. Teh Master of Science in Computer Science offers students teh opportunity to combine a sound foundation in computer science wif concentrated knowledge in teh latest developments in many areas of computer science, including algorithms and theory, artificial intelligence, computer gaming, computer networks, databases, data mining, graphics, image and video processing, information . For the BS CS degree, students must complete 120 credits, including the Mason Core requirements. The VCCS/GMU Transfer Guide covers all undergraduate course equivalencies. Grade of B or better in CS 112 OR CS 211. It's an accomplishment that could entice the recruitment of more graduate and doctoral students into Mason, says Sanjeev Setia, interim divisional dean at Mason's School of Computing. The program includes both fundamentals and advanced work in the areas of artificial intelligence and databases, programming languages and software engineering, systems and networks, theoretical computer science, and visual computing. Transfer applicants may pursue one of two pathways to transition to Mason: Regular transfer admission or GAA admission. Entry Requirements Computer Science, BS. See the BS CS degree requirements in current university catalog.
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