lightsworn deck profile

This card gains 300 ATK and DEF for each "Lightsworn" monster with a different name in your Graveyard.

Crow Spells 11 3 Charge of the Light Brigade 3 Solar Recharge 2 Pot of .

Download Deck : See more of my decks :

. Either Judgement Dragon or Michael can win duels on their own.

Set configuration: 2 Ultra Rare, 2 Super Rare, and 37 Common. 1×Celestial,Lightsworn Angel. His Deck works like any other Lightsworn Deck, but with the added ability to flood the field with "Rekindling" and Summon a bunch of Level 8 Synchro Monsters.

2x Celestia, Lightsworn Angel. Curious as to what people think about including 2 Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter in a Blackwing Deck. Creative Deck Profile: Lightsworn Three Ways. Competetiv Chaos Lightsworn Deck November 13, 2021 LS-Knight 1,240 0 Comments Chaos , Dragon , Lightsworn Dieses Deck Baut sehr Starke Felder wenn du mehr sehen willst Besuche mich gerne auf meinen youtube Kanal: Lightsworn Knight 1x Ehren, Lightsworn.

Labels: alexander pedranti, alexander pedranti on youtube, first place lightsworn deck, Lightsowrn, lightsworn deck profile, lightsworn deck that topped Friday, May 23, 2014 Why You Should Play Mystical Space Typhoon This was during one of the many Lightsworn formats. Now with the release of "Archlord Kristya" in Stardust Overdrive, a new kind of Lightsworn Deck is possible.

As per my YouTube video, here's my decklist.

Monster Cards: 2×Alexandrite Dragon. 2 Gragonith, Lightsworn Dragon 3 Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior 3 Jain, Lightsworn Paladin 3 Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress 2 Ehren, Lightsworn Monk 1 Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner 2 Shire, Lightsworn Spirit 2 Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter 1 Rinyan, Lightsworn Rogue Spell: 1 Charge of the Light Brigade 1 Dark Hole 1 Foolish Burial 1 Gold Sarcophagus 3 .

TRADING CARD GAME World Championship. That Lightsworn deck isn't really good: - EVERY Lightsworn deck needs 3x Solar Recharge AND 3x Charge of the Light Brigade. The deck combines the sheer force of power seen from the Blue-Eyes decks, and the milling and searching prowess of the Lightsworn archtypes. That's like the worst Lightsworn support card out there.

Deck Profile: Lightsworn Ruler June 3, 2013 | Filed under: Article, Banish, Deck Building, Deck Profile, Dragons, Engines, Light, Lightsworn, Lord of the Tachyon Galaxy, OTK, Water.

Lets see that 100+ likes! Since "Flamvell Magician" is a Tuner Monster, Selig can also Tune it with a Lightsworn monster if he's about to run out of cards in his Deck.

as I stated.

This is my lightsworn deck profile!! Lightsworn: Fast and powerful.

Lightsworn was the remaining deck to reign supreme above all others. … Archived.

[Deck Profile] Agentsworn Here's the promised little Bonus: As usually MasterSephiroth is presenting our Lightsworn Decks I am going to make a little exception here, since I too, usually like playing them. 2x Judgment Dragon. Just Txne Yugoslav TachankaTIER: FLARE METAL DRAGONS! 2×Gragonith,Lightsworn Dragon. 34:51. Tips. Just curious what is a good anti-special summon deck against the AI for the campaign and duel challenges. 1x Aurkus, Lightsworn Druid. 2×Judgement Dragon. 2×Raiden,hand of the lightsworn.

It is a time bomb for both the user and the opponent; a powerfu deck that can last a short duel. Lights. Purchase Your TEAMSAMURAIX1 MERCH (Playmats, field centers, sleeves etc) here: Its finally here!

Duel Links Breaking News. !Subscribe to our channel: us on patreon: .

The Lightsworns are a series of monsters that are specifically designed to mill your own deck, but they have excellent support in the form of Judgment Dragon.

Blue-Eyes Lightsworn.

This page notes details of Aurkus, Lightsworn Druid (LIGHT/Beast-Warrior/Effect Monster) : decks, tips, effect and rulings. By Boxtronic on 3/26/2010.

You are here: Home › Engines › Deck Profile: Lightsworn Ruler October 2014 Deck Profile: Lightsworn Ruler October 2014 October 13, 2014 | Filed under: Engines, Written by: Kyle and tagged with: 2014, Chaos, Deck Profile, dragon, Felis, Kyle Oliver, lightsworn, Mathematician, Mill, october, Ruler, Shaddoll, Wulf, YCGpodacst. from weeks of play testing this is what i think is the most consistent. But runs more bricky cards than most decks and danger of decking out. This is Dale Bellido's Lightsworn deck that he used during Canadian Nationals and also in the recent videos of him playing ^_^ 25 Monsters: 3 Celestia, Lightsworn Angel 3 Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner 3 Honest 3 Wulf, Lightsworn Beast 3 Necro Gardna 2 Judgment Dragon 2 Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior 1 Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress 1 Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter

Hey, so I was experimenting with Lightsworns, seeing what I could do. Deck Duelist Placed Deck Price; January 2020 Regional - Columbus Ohio Striker Lightsworn Orcust: John Wilkin 8th Place $151.00 January 2019 Regional - Chesterfield England Lightsworn: Michael Ashworth Top 8 $125.51 March 2018 Regional - México City Dino Lightsworn: Khristian Orozco Top 28 $142.07 February 2018 Regional - Lenexa Kansas 60-Card .

2×Minerva,Lightsworn Maiden. Release: 27th June 2014. 3 Celestia, Lightsworn Angel 2 Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress 2 Honest 1 Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior 1 Jain, Lightsworn Paladin 1 Ehren, Lightsworn Monk 3 Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner 1 Shire, Lightsworn Spirit 2 Necro Gardna 2 Herald of Orange Light 1 Ryko, Lightsworn 1 D.D.

Broly the MightyDark Armed Duelist Patreon: Toggle Deck List; Monster: Judgment Dragon x3 Gragonith, Lightsworn Dragon x2 Celestia, Lightsworn Angel x2 Wulf, Lightsworn Beast x2 Jain, Lightsworn Paladin x2 Raiden, Hand of the Lightsworn x2 Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress x2 Ehren, Lightsworn Monk x2 Felis, Lightsworn Archer x2 Honest x2 Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner x2 Minerva, Lightsworn . 1x Lumina, Lightsworn. The ideal victory condition for a Lightsworn player is to . Search for cards in the search field. Add cards to your list.

Click "To Side Deck" to build your side deck. By the second turn, I witnessed the power of Celestia, Lumina, and of course, Puff the Magic Dragon, himself. The only thing I was a bit unhappy about was that this deck does not include a game mat to formally place the .

Lightsworn march 2013 deck profile. Eh, it's kinda random at one, and there's no reason to run two or three of these, so it gets cut for room.

Lightsworn Misc Product News [TCG] Realm of Light Structure Deck. Run 2 at max. Filed Under: Deck Profile.

Current deck: 3 Shura 1 Plaguespreader 3 Blizzard 3 Bora 3 Kalut 2 Sirocco 1 Dark Creator 1 D.A.D. 1600.

With easily fulfilled special summoning conditions (having 4 or more "Lightsworn" monsters with different names in your Graveyard), high ATK, and a devastating effect (pay 1000 Life Points to destroy all other cards on the field .

In a deck such as this using both LIGHT and DARK monsters you will almost always have the means to summon one or even multiple Levianeer.

Gladiator Beasts were good back then and still are good now. If the opponent goes into their Extra Deck you can fusion summon a Construct using a Dragon and an Eclipse Wyvern or Wulf, Lightsworn Beast as material and then Construct sends Beast to draw 1. User mini profile. Structure Deck. Levianeer is a good generic boss monster for any LIGHT and DARK deck because of its high attack stat and multi-card removal.

I was amazed on how fast the match was, and asked to see the Lightsworn deck.

And here is the deck list: 2 Judgment Dragon 3 Celestia, Lightsworn Angel 3 Wulf, Lightsworn Beast 2 Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress 2 Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter 2 Honest 1 Effect Veiler 1 Plaguespreader Zombie 1 Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior 1 Necro Gardna 1 Jain, Lightsworn Paladin Elementsaber: Can create crazy boards with ease. June 1, 2020 June 2, 2020 Quincymccoy . With the speed the deck should be thinning, two just isn't needed. How To Build a Deck.

Instead of explaining why some cards are played here, I'll post a video response to my video so I can thoroughly explain it =) Monsters: 2x Judgement Dragon. - Also, 3x Wulf is too much. Twilight, is less consistent than Lightsworn but it tends to work also. -1 Card Trooper. 2 . 2015 Dark Dark Law Deck Profile destiny hero Diamond Dude elemental hero HERO Kyle Oliver Mask Change Masked HERO Shadow Mist Structure Deck YCGPodcast Feb 2nd, 2015 Open in app The ultimate self mill deck. Import decks from YGOPro or DuelingBook. A common trick is to discard a "Wulf, Lightsworn Beast" and Special Summon the same discarded "Wulf" for an easy 2100 ATK beatstick.

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lightsworn deck profile