using animals for entertainment should be banned speech

That is why animals should be used for entertainment and zoos and circuses and are treated good. Why animals should not be used for entertainment by ArjyBargy I strongly agree with the statement that we should stop using animals for entertainment.

Humans should not play god.

Purpose: To persuade my audience that animal testing is wrong and unethical. Animals cannot survive out of their natural habitat for a long time. Affirmative Argument Millions of mice, rats, rabbits, primates, cats, dogs, and other animals are locked inside barren cages in laboratories across the country to be used in experiments. Both of these are sources of entertainment for children and adults.

Although, it's a misconception that zoos, circuses, aquariums, seem to be under control. They are force-fed harmful chemicals, scalded, blinded, and maimed. Good (—) one and all. Human rights activists emphasize the necessity of natural habitat for the normal growth of any species and insist that zoos should be banned. We've learned that dog fighting, chicken fighting, and brutally torturing animals for entertainment is unacceptable.

Pets deserve a Bill of Rights.

The life of deep-sea fish. Abortion should be banned.

Therefore, tigers, wolves, dears or eagles are afraid of living in zoos. Animal testing should be banned because it may cause researchers to believe that dangerous substances are safe. Position-entertainment such as the circus should be animal free.

We, as a culture, have been growing around an exotic animal environment for centuries.

Using animals for entertainment and sports particularly racing is just wrong. Captive wild animals should not be used for entertainment.

N.p., n.d.

Keeping wild-caught exotic pets is inhumane. Each year, millions of animals are used to test how safe and effective products, such as cosmetics, cleaning products, and every day use products are. All high school athletes should be drug tested.

Elimination of strays from the environment to keep it healthy.

In debates‚ the issues on animal testing should be divided into two sub . Use of fireworks should be banned.

I believe that animal testing should be banned because it is.

The idea of zoos being banned is a very bad idea.

The elephants were loose for 45 minutes and damaged cars, hurt pedestrians, and ruined buildings. Why animal testing should not be allowed - Sample Speech. 1992 Words8 Pages. Millions of dollars is tossed around for entertainment value to watch horses run on a track.

All types of ongoing, and future animal confinement should be banned, as to prevent any form of animal cruelty-- physical or psychological. it fails to treat animals with the respect they .

3 points. Not all species belong in marine aquariums.

Zoos should be closed, animals should be returned to the wild and we should live together in peace, they did nothing wrong and so we have .

Computers should be provided for free to students. In 2014, three of the Moolah Shrine Circus show elephants escaped from there handlers on a child ride. And where we've seen a ban on testing cosmetics on animals, we've seen a boom in the development of superior, non-animal tests.

on The great zoo debate - Should zoos be banned? However, in July 2015, a dentist from U.S. shot and killed Cecil the lion. They should not be killed for food, medicine, or clothes.

Elephants in zoos generally live less than half as long as their wild counterparts.

Put you on place of animals and feel their pain . Forbid the wearing of fur coats.

Tigers, elephants, chimpanzees and many other species have never been successfully released into the wild by UK zoos. Because of hunting animals are becoming extinct, and with arsenal of rifles, shotguns, muzzle loaders, handguns, bows and arrows, hunters kill more than 200 million animals yearly. Violent video games should be banned.

Using them as entertainment in zoos, circuses, and other places .

Why? Argument 1- using animals is unethical. With this, many animal lives are in danger, and most of these animals are going extinct. Should we use animals to test beauty products?

Animal rights activists have always insisted that zoos should be banned.

The tribal people harm animals for their meal and other needs in several ways. Using animatronic animals has many benefits, seeing as animatronics are programmable and do not require breaks as a real animal would. NEW laws are being proposed by two university doctors to protect animals — from hate speech.

Moreover, they cannot bear crowds of people who come to the zoo to watch at the wild animals. Juvenile criminals should be sentenced like adult criminals. After doctors

If this carries on, animals will go crazy in the zoo, they will keep on attacking humans and many may die.

Any attempt to distinguish between animals and people is 'speciesism'.

Strays should be eliminated to make the environment healthy; The Animal Welfare Act of 1966 (AWA) is outdated and should be revised; The main cause of animal abuse is the irresponsible and uneducated .

Death . Advocates of their continuous use state that the existence of instructional value and specific breeding for the needs of sporting activities they partake are legitimate arguments against the proposed .

of the things being performed in these labs you could never imagine one human being doing to another.

Throughout my research, I developed lots of arguments and responses to counterarguments in regards to all three forums of entertainment. Animals have been performing in circuses for years and although it is banned in the UK for animals to be in a circus, others areas of the world still use wild animals like lions, tigers and bears as entertainment. Animals Should Be Banned From Circusesby Ben Soysa. Relevance: animals are people too and no one wants an animal to suffer for the wrong reasons. 2013.

Juvenile criminals should be subjected to psychiatrist treatment.

Even though all these animals are subjected to painful methods of training, it seems that elephants have it worst. This is indisputable.

We may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this post.

Persuasive Speech Against Animal Testing Essay. Animals are made to live and breed in captivity and learn to become meekly submissive and remain at the mercy of humans - all in the name of entertainment! Depriving animals of their natural habitat, just to entertain people is unethical.

Animal testing, also known as animal experiments is the act of using non-human animals in research, development projects or scientific experiments. Resolved: Animal testing is ineffective, unethical, and wasteful and should be replaced with non-animal methods. Although some say that the animals get to stretch out after the trip, which is not generally the case. A barmy research paper suggests anti-animal language should be banned.

Such an approach that appeals more to people's feelings on this subject is more appropriate to adopt for should zoos be banned .

Hunting should be banned because killing innocent animals isn't a sport, it's a sick hobby. The importance of feathers/fur to animals.

The way in which oceanic animals lead their lives.

Animals are happy to go out and give you a great show because it is the only chance they have to be free .

There are different biomes on earth where animals reside. People use animals in the ways they need to "they saw people abusing animals by beating them, feeding them poorly, and providing them in an unsafe environment. Research Proposal Animals: Beaten and Helpless Behind and Off Cameras It has been quite a long time since animals were first introduced in the entertainment fraternity. First, many animals are living in unnatural climates, for example, a flamingo living in a cold climate or polar bears living in a warm . Should the use of animals for human entertainment be banned? BBC, n.d.

Yall are complaining about animals in entertainment when more animals die in the food industry and some people just throw away half their food anyway.

Licensed game hunting should be banned as nature has a way of balancing the population of animals in the wild. 12041.

I guess such prisons should be banned.

Animals do not belong in zoo's. Pros of zoos. Animal extinction through a human action should be banned.

Experiments on animals should be banned. I personally think animal hunting should be banned because hunters are one of the main reasons why animals suffer, are extinct, and are endangered.

People might be surprised to find out that some of the most dangerous animals in zoos, including lions and crocodiles, normally pose no threat to humans.

Because of hunting animals are becoming extinct, and with arsenal of rifles, shotguns, muzzle loaders, handguns, bows and arrows, hunters kill more than 200 million animals yearly.

They require much space.

Keeping animals in zoos is inhumane. On one side of the argument there are those who say wild animals should not be kept in .

Therefore, both humans and animals should enjoy equal moral consideration.

It's an ongoing debate that seems to ignite every time there is an incident involving an animal at a zoo. Example: Extinction in the tiger species. The article "Animals Used as Entertainment" lists rodeos, circuses, bullfighting, horse racing, cockfighting, dog fighting, and zoos as examples of the many ways animals are used in entertainment.

The use of animals like donkeys, elephants, etc for heavy labor should be stopped.

2013. Animals that are used for entertainment often endure many hours of long distance traveling in small confined cages with no climate controls, sleeping, eating, etc.

However, the use of animals in scientific and medical research has been a subject of heated debate for many years in the UK. Circus-style shows can still be entertaining without animal acts. Animals Used for Entertainment. The following views do not necessarily represent the views of Because,animals

Topic: Animal Testing.

Affirmative Argument Millions of mice, rats, rabbits, primates, cats, dogs, and other animals are locked inside barren cages in laboratories across the country to be used in experiments. "Animals for Entertainment." BBC News.

…show more content… Accordingly, animals shouldn't be hunted and used for selfish needs for human nature.

It says "speciesist" hate speech is as bad as racism. Opponents to any kind of animal research—including both animal-rights extremists and anti-vivisectionist groups—believe that animal experimentation is cruel and unnecessary, regardless of its purpose or benefit.

They should not be used for breeding and selling.

I certainly agree with this view. Essays on.

Circuses around the world continue to use animals in their shows and very few countries have banned the practice. 1.The use of animals as "entertainers" removes animals from their natural habitat; deprives them of the ability to freely engage in instinctual behaviors; often involves cruel training methods; desensitizes both children and adults to animal mistreatment; and does not adequately address the real conservation threats that face animals in the wild.

Countries should be isolationist. They say that threatened wildlife can be protected in nature.

Such animals should be free.

I'm a vegetarian, so I probably don't need to state any more than that, but greyhound racing, fox hunting and other pursuits result in cruel and inhumane handling of the animals involved. Animals are living creatures and should not be tested on, abused, or used for entertainment ("The Issues").

San Francisco supervisors voted unanimously to ban the sale of fur, further burnishing the city's animal-loving credentials as it becomes the largest U.S. city to approve the prohibition. Counter argument- people may not go to circuses and people will lose their jobs. I have traveled to and visited various places across the globe. After all, not everybody can go on an African .

Research Proposal - Animals Should Be Banned from the Entertainment Industry.

03 Apr. Since then‚ there have been a growing number of audiences to watch these 'exotic animals' perform at live circuses worldwide. Hunting Should Be Banned Essay.

Because,animals are suffering when they training !!!

Unfortunately, using animals in a theatrical manner is what brings in the crowds and subsequently the profits. A zoo is a prison. It believes that "Animals are not ours to experiment on, eat, wear, use for entertainment, or abuse in any other way." That includes demeaning and discriminatory .

Ban on keeping certain animals as pets. Climate change is the greatest threat facing humanity today. The UK holds a record of testing on 3.8 million […] Animal cruelty must be banned.

Increasingly, communities around the world are acknowledging the implicit cruelty of animal circuses and have taken the step of banning exotic animal circuses, as is recommended by many of Australia's animals organisations, including the RSPCA, which is . Zoos do keep animals safe endangered animals that need to be protected.

The animal rights answer.

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using animals for entertainment should be banned speech